Rainbow surface tension analysis


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Surface-Tension-Confined Microfluidics

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متن کامل

Surface Tension of Serum

An attempt was made to apply to the study of immune sera the fact, pointed out in our previous papers, that at a given dilution the serum shows a maximum drop of surface tension in function of time (time-drop). The results of the experiments here reported would seem to indicate that: 1. The time-drop of a serum solution is greater after the animal has been immunized than before immunization (fr...

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Surface Tension Prediction

In this paper we propose the following expression for surface tension of organic compounds:

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Surface Tension of Serum

As stated in previous papers, 1-4 the four essential conditions under which the presence of antibodies in immune serum can be detected and followed by means of what might be termed the tensiometric method are: first, the dilution of the serum to 1:10,000; second, the use of strictly clean vessels; third, the care in handling the solutions, which must absolutely not be disturbed between the two ...

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عنوان ژورنال: Optics Express

سال: 2008

ISSN: 1094-4087

DOI: 10.1364/oe.16.005118